Raise Your Hand (RYH)
A National Board Certified Teacher is the greatest gift we can give to a student, to a classroom, to our community. Raise Your Hand is a bold initiative to add 500 new National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) to Huntsville City, Madison City and Madison County school systems.. National Board Certification is the most respected professional certification available in K-12 education.
Principally Speaking Network
Principally Speaking Network “PSN” is a professional development program for school administrators designed to assist participants in increasing student achievement through more effective leadership practices.
Sign Up to Round Up
By filling out a simple form, you can authorize Huntsville Utilities to round up your monthly utility bill to the next highest dollar and donate to The Schools Foundation.
ReCharge Our Teachers
ReCharge provides tailored content for teachers and staff that focus on the importance of your mental health and overall wellness. Dive deep into engaging videos, informative articles, and curated content to help you navigate life’s challenges.
Patrons and Players
The Schools Foundation recently added a new program called Patrons & Players. This program supports the funding of extra-curricular activities such as sports and fine arts for students with financial challenges in Huntsville City, Madison City and Madison County schools. We believe that no student should be left on the sideline based on financial need. Extracurricular activities are sometimes the one thing that will keep a child focused on their education.